Language rules my life.

I told my teacher today that my life has become language. In addition to studying, “classical” ASP, OOP, and C#, my boss asked me a few days ago to become an expert in XML and XSL. (He knew I’d love those languages.) I said yes.

Regarding my study of human languages, over the last ten months, I’ve gotten a very decent start in Esperanto, Catalan, and Spanish. I wasn’t able to take my dream vacation to Spain this year, but I’m continuing to study those languages. I decided to try to “finish” them (i.e. attain conversational competence) over the rest of this year and next year in the order of increasing difficulty: Esperanto first, then Catalan, then Spanish. I expect to be able to translate the “spirituality” section of the site into Esperanto not too long from now. (Also, with the load of computer languages I’ve got to study, Esperanto is the only human language I can handle.)

When I spend more time staring at screens and books, racking my brain to try to force new association, it becomes even more important to take frequent breaks, and re-root myself into what is beyond words, beyond logic, beyond association and thought. I feel it in the presence of my teacher. And in playing with my cat, and in watching the sun shatter itself upon a million ripples on the Elizabeth River.

That’s always what’s really important. Even more important now. I haven’t forgotten.

2 thoughts on “Language rules my life.

  1. I suppose it should be no surprise that you made such a pronouncement! You definitely geek out about languages (in a good way, that is). If someone had asked me what you’re nuts about, I don’t know that I’d have put the picture together. However, now that you have, it seems completely obvious.

    And I’m glad you haven’t forgotten about, em, that other thing. 🙂 Eloquently said.

    Hmmm… it seems that the more one gets immersed in the passions of this realm, the more vital it is to keep grounded in the other. And that it does take both to lead a full life. I have the mental image of a tree; roots and branches reaching at the same time… some people don’t make it far beyond seeds or saplings? Maybe I’m pushing the metaphor. Jesus’ parable about seeds falling on various types of ground comes to mind, too.

  2. Yeah, it’s true. I wish I didn’t have to geek out about languages… but unless someone naturally encounters the language(s) they want to learn in everyday situations, geeking is necessary. That’s why despite the fact that almost every American studies a foreign language in high school or college, almost none of us actually learn it.

    And about the computer languages, I really can put off the necessary geeking out. I really do have a resistance to learning computer languages, but I’m able to overcome it when I have to 🙂

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