But not in March. I need a vacation from blogging, so I’m taking it now. I’ll be back in April. Blogging is wonderful, and I’m hooked. The best thing of all is getting to know people, even making close friends, from around the world, sharing insights, confusion, perspectives, laughs…
I had no idea where this would take me when I decided to add a blog to my site two years ago. Almost every day, I visit Singapore, Chicago and California! I travel the world in minutes, soaking up days of inspiration in seconds, from traditions around the world. I’m a spiritual junkie who got impatient with having the Spirit poured onto him, and has been mainlining It with a syringe the size of Norfolk.
It also takes a lot of my time. I can spend a lot of time writing a post, and I always spend a lot of time reading them. And the posts they’re linked to. And the posts they’re linked to…
I’m not the only one. My friend Mark has gone on a temporary blog sabbatical, Trev just came back from one, and Isaiah’s rest is (unfortunately) long-term.
Like them, I need to slow down a bit and digest more. I need to process some stuff privately before I can really incorporate it into my public writing. For example, the experience I wrote about in January is still changing my view of things. I can’t write about it when I don’t know what the heck I feel about it myself. And if you think I’ve probably written a dozens of pages about it in my private journal, think again. I need to, though, and I need to sit and meditate, write more poetry, organize what I’ve written, and just rest and relax a bit more, and interface more with “wetware.”
And on the other hand, I need to learn more PHP and improve my abyssmal programming skills, and stuff like that. I also want to redesign the site and maybe convert the MT blog to WordPress or something else, perhaps.
But I will return. And unlike 2003-2004 when I vanished for months, I’ll be back next month. That’s a promise. When I do, expect the site to look a bit different. And who knows? Maybe those long-awaited reviews of Harry Potter and Star Wars might manifest!
Please don’t think I’m on retreat or quitting electronic communications. You can keep in touch with me by email, and I’m still reading blogs, (though I might ease up on that slightly). Also, I’m still facilitating the WisdomReading group, and you’re still invited to join!
Technorati Tags: blog, blogs, blogging, rest