Zach, at Monakhos, reminded me with his post today that Archbishop James Ussher’s calendar put the creation of the world at October 23rd, 4004 BC.
May the world have a very happy birthday, with many joyous returns!
BTW, this is also the birthday of my good friend, Gama Cartagena! Happy Birthday, G! Maybe all those Firefox parties were about something even bigger, eh?
Too funny! Ussher’s name has come up in three places over the past two days. Once in the book “101 Myths of the Bible,” which I’m reading. Once on the audiobook “A Brief History of Nearly Everything,” which I’m listening to on the way to work. And now, here.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Gaia!
October 23 also happens to be Mole Day! If you remember your high school chemistry and Avogrado’s Number, one mole is 6.02 x 10^23 atoms.