Whew! I’ve made a lot of changes to the site over the last few days, but most of them are subtle. First off, I rebuilt the templates for the monthly archived posts, posts by category, and individual entry. The “look” of any of the archived posts now is basically the same as for the spirituality articles and book reviews.
The book review index page has been fixed, and when I get around to creating index pages for the poetry and spirituality sections, the site will have a nice secondary navigation within each major section. That will help visitors who come with JavaScript turned off (if there are any).
I also fine-tuned the local search engine to filter out redundant results from different blog archives.
Lastly, I expanded the “Intro/About” section–those pages indexed under the left-hand category on the navigation bar at the top. Ever wondered what my domain name, “frimmin” means? I’ve expanded the “About this site” page to include a short history of the site and navigation tips. If you’re interested in Web design, you might find the Colophon page of interest (though you won’t if you aren’t!). My personal intro / bio page hasn’t changed much. I also have a Technorati Profile
Finally, I added a new category for my posts, Geeklog. Can you guess what category this post is in?